Degree: Finance
Career: Islamic capital market
Finance: juz startin 2 get de hang of it..but I still hv LOTS 2 learn n improve! phew!
After graduation: tanak keje..nak join INCEIF or SC..
BursaMalaysia: tempat practical..i was sooo naive back then, need a LOT of self-development a picture of where I want 2 go after graduating from IIUM..thnx En.Wan Rizaidy!
IIUM: my life! My world!
Classes: suke ponteng xpenah dpt warning letter k!
Regrets: I’m not a thinker..jeles tgok thinkers yg sebaye neh..huhu
Passion: GERAM..i cant find anything that im passionate of..smuenye bermusim..huh!
Favourite subjects: depending on lecterurs teaching it..
Cinta: tawakallua’lallah..
Leisure time: berangan..
henpon: mesti unik! Radio 2 wajib! No Bluetooth, No memory card, camera xde pun xpe..
Music: flexible. I get obsessed with de lyrics 1st..lyric mesti mantap!
Spupu spapat: sedang mengenali mreka…
Kawen: kat KAED Gallery IIUM..
Future husband: yg baik! Sum1 who’s better than me..sum1 who can ensure my Akhirat..
Future kids: kamu baek2 eh..mama maw kamu jd seorng intellectual yg beriman..
Bad habits: bile MALAS tu da dtg…………….adeh~
Hobbie: reading!
Cooking: TAK SUKE sy suke kemas umah..hee
Crybaby: my nickname (credit to ainulatieqah)….senang kua muke sgt buruk ble nangis k!
Places I wud love to travel to : Bumi Anbia
VIPs in my life: here’s a list of VIPs who hv made me who I am today.. they’re a bunch of people whose different from one another, but sumhow can ‘masuk’ with me..i hv a piece of each of evri1 of them in me..Allah introduced us, but I chose 2 keep them. (con'td)
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